LM // Benediction – Alice Notley



  • ISBN 9780988713734
  • 2015
  • paperback


the benediction of the poison. it seals you from making the mistake, as I said in the very beginning– ‘im poison youre poison robert johnson is poison’– of living in the collective imagination both venal and decent, horrible. the poison is benedictive, and I am. I bless
but only if you want that anyone can bless anyone I bless anyone.


About the Author

Alice NotleyAlice Notley has published over thirty books of poetry, including (most recently) Culture of One and Songs and Stories of the Ghouls. With her sons Anselm and Edmund Berrigan, she edited both The Collected Poems of Ted Berrigan and The Selected Poems of Ted Berrigan. Notley has received many awards including the Academy of American Poets’ Lenore Marshall Prize, the Poetry Society of America’s Shelley Award, the Griffin Prize, two NEA Grants, and the Los Angeles Times Book Award for Poetry. She lives and writes in Paris, France.